








Six years ago I entered the Symphonic Winds as a scared little trumpet player, last chair (or something close to that. If you’re not 1st you’re last, right?)

To even begin explaining my story with this organization would be much too lengthy, so I will give these words, and these lessons the Phoenix Youth Symphony has gifted me.

Firstly, thanks to PYS, music has swept the fog from my clouded vision, and become a permanent part of my lost, endlessly searching soul. I’ve been granted a sense of belonging that I never had in my life, and consequently filled my heart with joy. Wednesday night’s became a landmark in my unorganized, semi-chaotic life where I could temporarily escape all of my stress and quandaries to drown myself in audible beauty. They sent me across the nation to study further, and even out of the country to experience an entirely new culture. They introduced me to friends I will never forget, and to teachers I will always be in debt to. I’ve developed self confidence, and I’ve established goals for my life that I may never have had, had I not been a part of PYS. I can’t even begin to thank the organization in it’s fullest or those who brought me to where I am today.